Who Won?

It is time to stop fighting with one another and fight together for the U.S., for us.     Let’s do what makes sense for us.

This site is devoted to a collaborative, fact-based discussion aimed at improving the way we vote and the effectiveness of the people we vote for.   On any of the issues, it will be really easy for you to try to assess and label where I’m coming from (e.g., white, progressive, well educated, reasonably wealthy, Yankee).   You may then start to discount or agree based in part on that identity.    That’s exactly what I’m trying not to do.   I have opinions, of course, but the idea is to get away from name-calling and move toward intelligent progress and resolution.

On most of the policy matters covered here, I’m somewhere in the middle, sometimes right of center (for example, on free trade), sometimes left of center (taxation), and sometimes pretty much in the middle (education).    The number of politicians who are like that seems to be decreasing, and it’s partly because of the way we behave.

You may think this has something to do with the current administration, but it actually stems from earlier elections.    The 2016 elections were the result of our divisions, lack of respect for government, and lack of accountability in our elected officials.   This is not a site for pro-Trump or anti-Trump diatribes, which have consumed every other forum.

You can post your ideas as comments on any of the subject areas here or on just about any relevant topic in American policy and politics.    If they’re profane, hurtful, or just silly, they won’t get on the site.    Try Fox News, CNN, or Yahoo.   But if they make any sense at all they’ll get on and we’ll go from there.
