What you’ll find here

This site aims to get people talking about better, more effective government and government policies.    What you won’t find is gossip, talk about scandals, flames, tweets, capital letters, and innuendo.   I’m not saying you have to ignore the scandals and the capital letters — just that it doesn’t lead to better politics and better government.   A knowledgeable, fact-based, collaborative dialog might.

What you also won’t find is a lot of talk about “flash point” issues, such as abortion, gun control and the second amendment, bathroom laws, etc.   I’m not saying these issues aren’t important.    It’s just not the goal of this site to debate them.    There is a lot of debate and contention already, and the fact that people are lured into viscerally voting on “flash point” issues can prevent progress in other areas, such as economic policy, immigration, and trade, where federal policy could make a difference and compromise is needed to move forward.

This also isn’t a site for a comprehensive policy analysis.   There are a lot of great think tanks and other sites for that.     I really like the site https://www.procon.org/ , which, for each issue, gives detailed statements of different positions.    What I try to do is not so much summarize the issues but identify roadblocks and roads forward.

One comment on “What you’ll find here

  1. April 17, 2018 Any person

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