Politics Sense


This section is devoted to the “meta” issues, while the “policy” section is devoted to specific issues that we need to resolve to move forward.    Examples of “meta” issues (overarching problems that contribute to the lack of progress on any or all policies are):

(1) Failure of the general public to stay informed, to vote, and to participate in the electoral process

(2) Influence on the political process by “special interests”, potentially acting against the benefit of the public at large (including associations that lobby, wealthy donors)

(3) The “echo chamber” effect, which leads to irreconcilable divisions:

people are inclined to believe, without regard for evidence, what they “want” to believe, coupled with a disrespect or disregard for institutions that purport to be devoted to the truth (including the media, “think tanks”, other non-partisan organizations, the justice system, the government at large)

people listen selectively to others who simply reinforce their beliefs; the media shapes its message to that audience

(4) Lack of intelligent dialog between and among identity groups